Welcome to the Fraser Valley Quilters’ Guild

The Fraser Valley Quilters’ Guild is a non-profit Society. The purpose of the Guild is to bring the joy of quilting to the public by way of shows, displays, and demonstrations, and to bring ideas and learning experiences to the members by way of workshops, guest speakers, and demonstrations.

Guild meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month from September through June at 10 AM and 7 PM at:

Trinity Lutheran Church
11040 River Road
Delta, BC

Guests are always welcome with a free drop-in for the first meeting. There will be a fee of $10.00 for non-members for special guest speakers to help cover costs.

Tuesday February 11, 2025 meeting

Hello all

The parking lot at Trinity Lutheran Church has been ploughed and salted.

We will be meeting in person at the church, remember to wear layers as the church may be chilly inside.

Luke Haynes will be presenting his trunk show via “zoom”

We will also be showing Luke Haynes’s recorded presentation via zoom at the evening meeting starting at 7:00pm. Check your email for a link to the meeting.

See you there

Cathy G

Sit and Stitch via Zoom

Come and join us on Saturday, January 18 at 10:00am for our usual Sit and Stitch via Zoom.

Starts at 10:00am and goes until 1:00pm. Pop in for a while or a brief moment to say hi.

Meet up with your friends and chat about all the exciting things that happened over Xmas and what you have in store for the New Year.

Can you believe it is 2025!! it almost seem surreal.

See you there

Sit and stitch via zoom

This Saturday from 10:00am until 1:00pm.

Join your fellow quilters for some good chatter and sewing.

Look for the zoom link in your email.